Tuesday 25 June 2013

Lee Stream School 24 June 2013

Still quite a bit of snow.  I was wondering how we would get rid of that blue gum.

I can only imagine how deep the snow would have been two days ago. I think up to the join in the tennis court wire, or thereabouts.

Stuart's Day

Duane and Goldie came up to help us get the sheep out of the gullies. It was hard work trying to walk through the snow when it’s above your knees and your thighs. That was not the worst thing. The worst thing was the snow down your gum boot because it was cold. Also I got a chest cold. When we got home dad passed out on the sofa. This morning the snow is down by half and there is a good thaw happening.   


By Stuart Beattie

Monday 24 June 2013

The June Snow of 2013 at Ben's House

This is what the snow is like around my place on day 3.

Friday 21 June 2013

Lee Stream Snow 21 June 2013

Now, that is what I call a snowfall!!

This photo was kindly forwarded to me from Jenny Nichol.  It is a picture of her grandson at their farm in the Lee Stream area.  Impressive and soooo deep!!  Hang on to that little fella. 

A snowy Day at the Ruxtons at Lee Stream.

Wednesday after school it started snowing. In the morning it was over our fence it was up to my hip. It is really cold and you wouldn't want to be out their all day. When our dog goes out he gets stuck, it is so deep he sinks and gets covered in snow.
 by JADE

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Taieri E Day

Last week we went to Elm Grove School for the Taieri E-day. The first activity we did was photo shoots. The teachers put us all in groups. They gave us a pice of paper that had photos on it and a camera. We could also used props if needed. After that we had interval. After intervil we learned how to blabberrize. Blabberize is a internet programme and you can make mouths move.

Once we had finished that we did a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was our favourite activity.

The next activity we did was suppose to be educational games but instead they were blood splattering gun games.  Eventually we got kicked of them and we had to go and do something more educational. 

Last but not least the teachers showed us some of the photos we took at the start of the day. Then it was time to go home. On the way home we got an ice -cream and some lollies.

The thing we taught the others how to do was on a programme called popplet.

 Here is a link to popplet.


Thursday 13 June 2013

Minibeasts at the Museum

Yesterday we went and investigated minibeasts at the Otago Museum. Our guide Charlie took us to Animal Attic and the insects section in one of the galleries where we worked in groups to answer questions that she posed to us, tried to reunite some lost minibeasts to their correct environment and looked at all the displays of amazing bugs! Do YOU know what has 8 legs and a stinger? Do YOU know what New Zealand's biggest beetle is? Ask one of us for the answer!
Then we visited Tropical World where we saw one of the world's biggest moths - the Atlas Moth, took a look at the huge tarantulas and became landing pads for many butterflies! What a great day!


Today we made a video explaining our questions and answers from our reading book about bees.
We wrote our questions in our reading book. We took photos of our favourite pages in the book.
Then we went into the staff room and recorded ourselves. We hope you enjoy our video!

Friday 7 June 2013


This is four  of our  students with the new androids.  They are fun in the class and I think they are cool.


Thursday 6 June 2013

Cat and Pigeon

In Room 1, we like to play "Cat and Pigeon" during fitness time. To play this game you need people and 2 less hoops than there are people. Spread the hoops evenly around the field or court that you are playing on. Put one person in each hoop (they are the "pigeons"), with the "cat" and "pigeon" on the sideline.
Say "go pigeon!", wait a few seconds, and then let the "cat" go. The "cat" chases the pigeon around the court, when the pigeon gets tired he jumps into someone's "nest" (hoop) and releases that pigeon. Then the "cat" chases the new "pigeon". If the "cat" catches the "pigeon", they instantly swap roles and the new "cat" chases the new "pigeon".
Run fast and have fun!