Thursday 4 December 2014

Farm safety at Outram school

On Thursday 27th we went to Outram School to learn about farm safety.
We learnt about chainsaws, motorbikes, tractors and lots more other activities. 
We had 7 stations to go to. Lee Stream kids and Outram kids were mixed. Each group had and Outram teacher and some groups had Lee Stream teachers. Max Jack and Jor'jah were able to jump in the pen with the calves and separate them. We also learnt about different hazard signs and what they mean. We enjoyed our time but when it was time to say goodbye the fun was over.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Rainbow Jelly Maths - Part II

We completed our Rainbow Jelly maths learning by creating colourful layered jellies using our plans and measuring with cups, tablespoons and teaspoons. We 'sold' our jellies to the junior class - you can see that they really enjoyed eating them!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Rainbow Jelly Maths

Our maths strand unit this term is volume and capacity. As part of this we have been using teaspoons, tablespoons and cups to plan layered rainbow jellies that we will create, eat and sell. This week we have been planning and calculating the amount of millilitres of each colour we will need for each stripe in different shaped cups and jars. Next week, we create!
What colours will my layers be? How many layers do I want? How many millilitres will each layer be? What is the volume of my completed rainbow jelly?

Thursday 6 November 2014

Conservation Week

This week is conservation week and Libby entered a writing competition on the doc website. Her work got published on the site and here is the link, so have a look!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Thursday 30 October 2014

Targa Car Rally

The Targa Car Rally zoomed past Lee Stream School today, we loved watching the rally and touring cars, lots of them tooted, waved and threw out lollies for us! One car even threw some gold coins to us which we will use to buy some more plants for our garden. Lots of cars pulled over to show us inside their cars and to pull skids and make us feel like the pitstop crew because we helped with their tyres! We are a lucky school, today was a great day!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Jade's Narrated Story - "Watercress"

Class Novel

This term we are reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio - we are about a quarter of the way through and really enjoying this story about a boy called August.

What are YOU reading at the moment?

Tuesday 21 October 2014


On the 14th of October we did gardening. We got into 4 groups and started pulling out weeds, potatoes and also flipping the dirt so air can come in for the plants. We used gloves to pull out the thistles some of them were big and some were small. We used a broom and a little shovel to sweep the dirt and some leaves and then we put it back into the garden so it could be used for food for the new plants. We did find a lot of cool insects in the dirt when we were digging. Some of us even found some seeds. Some people think they were cherry seeds so we planted them in the dirt.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Lung Capacity

Key: Blue - Ben, Black - Libby, Orange - Jor'jah, Red - Jakob, Green - Jade, Purple, Shannon.

Today we measured the capacity of our lungs with balloons and metre rulers. Each person blew up a balloon as much as they could on one breath and then we measured the diameter of the balloon. We did this three times and then found the mean of the three attempts. Then we graphed our results to find out our lung volume. Can you see who has the biggest lung capacity?!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

quiz night

On the 10th of September the year fives went to Bathgate Park School in Dunedin. The hardest questions were the decades and the Hector Dolphin which was a what am I question. It was really fun and we enjoyed it, we hope we can come back next year.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Descriptive Writing

What do you think of our descriptive writing film? We were inspired by Charlie Chaplin videos like "The Lion's Cage" and learned a little about silent movies. We took the paragraphs that we had written from the point of view of some objects like rulers, scissors and books and used an app called ChatterKid to make them "speak their thoughts." We added some descriptions of a day in a boring classroom and then turned our videos into a film in the style of Charlie Chaplin's, using effects like black and white, aging the film and piano music. Did it make you laugh?! Did you like our acting?!


Room 1 have been practising their speeches using Tellagami. Here's Jor'jah's introduction for her speech.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Lighting Up The Dark - Descriptive Writing

Watch this video of the highlights of the Dunedin Midwinter Carnival - can you see any similarities to your reading book "Lighting Up The Dark"?

Write a short descriptive piece on this video, using the writing in the book as a guide. Brainstorm descriptive words and similes before you begin.

Thursday 4 September 2014


Over Term 2 and 3 we have been looking at the work of Dick Frizzell, a famous New Zealand artist. Last term we did teatowel screenprints with fabric paint and this term we are using spraypaint and canvas to make our artworks. We watched a video of Dick and his son Otis Frizzell creating their "Fishbombs" series which have become iconic NZ artworks and discussed their techniques and ideas. We liked the idea of using a word that would represent part of our identity. We are using a technique called masking to create our artworks and this morning Shannon completed her masking so was able to start spraypainting...she had a lot of fun! Can you tell what her identity word will be when she pulls of the word mask?

Thursday 28 August 2014

We are winners!

This week we were excited to receive a package in the mail from HP. A few weeks ago we entered their Rural Schools Techonology competition and this week they sent us a prize of an HP Action Cam! We are thrilled to have a brand new camera that can film in so many cool's even waterproof and comes with a watch that controls the camera!
We are all really looking forward to using our Action Cam - our films will be so much more exciting!
Thanks HP!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Science Day

On Thursday year 3 to year 8 went to Strath Taieri school for a science day. Dave was from Otago University, he taught us about chemistry. Here we are making elephant toothpaste. Watch the video to see what happens

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Measuring Distance - Paper Planes

Maths Groups - Arctic Wolves and Great White Sharks
Today we are measuring the distance that we can get paper planes to fly. Use these links to help you decide on a design and then follow the instructions to help you create your plane.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Measuring Distance

Using two Hot Wheels cars and some pieces of wood we constructed ramps and measured the distance that the cars would travel...we found that is wasn't necessarily the steepest ramp that would send the cars the furthest or the smoothest surface! The furthest a car travelled was 3.53m!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Class Novel

Have you ever read any of Willard Price's books? They have been around for a long time! This term we are reading "Lion Adventure" - it's pretty exciting!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Anatomy museum and Iceskating

This week our whole school went to the Anatomy Museum at the University of Otago and then ice skating at the Ice Stadium. It was a good day.

Lee Stream School at the Anatomy Museum
Jack and Shae
Jed and Bryn
Kaitlyn, Robbie and Bella

Ben's Birdhouse

Here is a movie that I made about making a birdhouse in discovery.

Mr Wheeler's skiff of snow farewell

Mr Wheeler's skiff of snow

Yesterday and today it snowed. We think it's Lee Stream's way of saying farewell to Mr Wheeler who is leaving to become the principal of Netherby School.
We had a pot luck lunch and we sang a song to him to say goodbye!


Thursday 19 June 2014

The Human Digestive System

Room 1 is investigating the amazing human body at the moment and today we did one of the most DISGUSTING experiments/demonstrations we have ever done! Why don't you give it a try!!

The Human Digestive System Demonstration

(or The Only Time It’s Ok To Poo In The Classroom)

To demonstrate the working of the human digestive system from eating to getting rid of the waste

Food (Bread and spaghetti)
Bowl with masher
Saliva (water/detergent)
Plastic bag
Stomach juices (vinegar)
Bile (food coloring)
White tray or plate for putting samples on


Step One – Into The Mouth
Chewing something – place the food in a bowl with a small amount of water and detergent and mash  it up.

Step Two – Into The Stomach
Transfer the food into a plastic bag and add vinegar. Use your hands to simulate the motion of your stomach muscles and break down the food in your ‘stomach’.

Step Three – Into The Small Intestine
Add the food colouring and transfer the digested food into the stocking. Squeeze it through your ‘small intestine’, allowing water and nutrients to leak out through the sides of the stocking.

Step Four – Out The Other End

Squeeze the undigested food (that which can’t be made small enough) through the ‘small intestine’ and into the large intestine. This is where the remaining liquid is sucked out from it and it becomes more and more solid. Push the undigested food all the way through and then out the anus (hole in the stocking), and there it is - poo!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Thursday 5 June 2014

More Than A Box - by Dave Armstrong

Over the last two days in maths and reading we completed a challenge. First we read "More Than A Box" by Dave Armstrong which was about the construction of the Wellington Indoor Sports Centre.

In maths we have been looking at 3D shapes and the special properties they have. We knew that triangles are the strongest shape and that you can make other shapes (like rectangles or squares) stronger by using bracing that creates triangular shapes within the original shape.
The first challenge today was to use a shape clue to find a QR code. When the code was scanned with a tablet it led to a Google Doc with the instructions on it. A web address from the Doc led to a shapes lab that helped remind us of the things we had been learning in maths and reading.
Then we had to complete the challenge by creating a structure using only newspaper and masking tape. The winning structure was the one that held the heaviest object - the winning pairs were Libby & Stuart and Charlotte & Jade!


Thursday 29 May 2014

Stu and Charlotte's Hand Challenge

This is our poster about the hand. We made this poster for a challenge that Mrs Weir, our teacher, gave us. We had to explain what the human hand does and why it is so important and useful. We had to use QR codes that we scanned with the tablets to find useful websites with information.

Ben and Shannon's Hand Challenge

During writing and science we did a challenge that was called "give me a hand". We had to make a poster that explained what are hands and how do they work. Our question was "why are our hands some of the most important tools we have?". We used QR codes to help us find our answers. We learnt that we need thumbs to help us do things like picking up things, if we have no thumbs it is hard to do stuff. 

Jade and Jor'jah's writing & science challenge

This is our science challenge. We wrote our explanation to answer the question, the question was "why are our hands some of the most imports tools we have?" We spent lots of time thinking about this. We used QR codes to get onto websites and videos. We planned out our poster before we glued most stuff on and we drew some pictures of  a bone and a skull. We worked really hard on this and we hope you like our poster that we worked hard on to get it as perfect as we could in the time we had. This science & writing was a real challenge!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Libby and Jakobs Why are our hands so important poster

Today we had to write and design a poster that showed why the human hand was so important to us. We learnt how to work well together as well as how many bones are in each finger and all the different things that we can do with our hands. It made us realize how amazing and useful our hands are in every day life. We used QR codes as a treasure hunt to find useful links for information and diagrams. We really enjoyed this project.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Acids and Carbonates

Today in science we learned about acids and carbonates. We worked in pairs to combine different substances and recorded our observations on a table in a shared document on Google Drive.
Here are the substances we had: washing powder, chalk, lemon juice, eggshells, orange juice, tea, sugar, vinegar, baking powder.

We experimented and observed, recorded and checked. Then we were able to decide what happened when we mix an acid and a carbonate - they make gas! We knew this because all the acid and carbonate mixtures bubbled or fizzed (although the eggshells didn't work well - we think they needed to be ground up more than we could manage) showing the gas that was created.
Here is Jakob's diagram of which substances were acids and which were carbonates:

Can you spot the two tricky ones that were neither an acid or a carbonate?!

Friday 7 March 2014

Ben and Charlotte's Hen house

Ben and Charlotte have been making a hen house today.  They built these sides from pieces of wood.  They are going to get more wood to build another side and a roof.  They want to hinge a side so it opens easily for the hens to go in and out of.

We look forward to seeing it complete.

We used thin pine wood, little red nails, and silver nails, a hammer and a saw.  When we were making the sides Charlotte cut her finger with one of the red nails. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Sam's wheelchair

In reading we have been learning how to use Groupboard, an app on our tablets.
This time we used it for sharing our ideas aboout a boy called Sam who has brittle bone disease. Our groupboard is some of the things he might like on his wheelchair. Sam was also an inventor, the wheelchairs the hospital gave him didn't work as well as he wanted so he made one that could do mostly anything.

Friday 21 February 2014

Treasure Hunting at Pirate's Stream

This term in maths we are learning about direction and position. This week we had to complete a treasure hunt, following the compass directions to find the buried treasure. We had to collect stamps, gold dubloons and other things along the way!
Can you guess where we found the treasure?

 Here is the map of Pirate's Stream that we had to follow:
What do you think was in the treasure chest?!