Monday 29 August 2016


We have been training for this event for 10 weeks and this year it paid off. We ran very well winning the trophy back from St Mary's. 

Here's our results:

Rebecca Vaughan placed 5th
George Tisdall placed 3rd
Jed Millar placed 4th
Molly Nichol placed 3rd
Sophie Horton placed 4th
Will Nichol placed 2nd
Taylah Ruxton placed 1st
Charlotte Williams placed 5th
Ben Joyce placed 4th

Good luck Taylah in the Otago's this week

Mini Olympics

Two Fridays ago in discovery we competed in the Mini Olympics. We did it in are library, in our mask groups. In the Mini Olympics there were three events which were paper plate discus, straw javelin and pom pom shot put. In the ceremony the first place contestant got to stand on the table. The second got to stand on a chair, and third stood on the floor. It was a pretty hard competition and those who won deserved it. While we were up on the podium a mini flag got raised and the national anthem got played.   

By Ben and Will