Thursday 30 October 2014

Targa Car Rally

The Targa Car Rally zoomed past Lee Stream School today, we loved watching the rally and touring cars, lots of them tooted, waved and threw out lollies for us! One car even threw some gold coins to us which we will use to buy some more plants for our garden. Lots of cars pulled over to show us inside their cars and to pull skids and make us feel like the pitstop crew because we helped with their tyres! We are a lucky school, today was a great day!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Jade's Narrated Story - "Watercress"

Class Novel

This term we are reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio - we are about a quarter of the way through and really enjoying this story about a boy called August.

What are YOU reading at the moment?

Tuesday 21 October 2014


On the 14th of October we did gardening. We got into 4 groups and started pulling out weeds, potatoes and also flipping the dirt so air can come in for the plants. We used gloves to pull out the thistles some of them were big and some were small. We used a broom and a little shovel to sweep the dirt and some leaves and then we put it back into the garden so it could be used for food for the new plants. We did find a lot of cool insects in the dirt when we were digging. Some of us even found some seeds. Some people think they were cherry seeds so we planted them in the dirt.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Lung Capacity

Key: Blue - Ben, Black - Libby, Orange - Jor'jah, Red - Jakob, Green - Jade, Purple, Shannon.

Today we measured the capacity of our lungs with balloons and metre rulers. Each person blew up a balloon as much as they could on one breath and then we measured the diameter of the balloon. We did this three times and then found the mean of the three attempts. Then we graphed our results to find out our lung volume. Can you see who has the biggest lung capacity?!