Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Monday, 14 December 2015
Here you can listen to and practise the mandarin language we have learnt this term.
Review Activity
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Monday Touch
Ben - The Love Prank
Jack - The Wildest Pet
Max - The Wildest Pet
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Otago players visit
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Kia Kaha
Meeting Ella West

Thursday, 13 August 2015
Quilt of Remembrance
We finished our quilt at the end of term 2 - isn't it amazing! Thanks to the mums who came in and sewed all our quilt squares together to create such an awesome and meaningful artwork. We have it hanging in our school foyer and are very proud of it.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Describing a process - writing
Max and Byron
Jakob and Ben
Jade and Charlotte
Taylah and Jack
Friday, 3 July 2015
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Stitching Samplers

Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Our first snow days for 2015
Wellington Camp 2015
Wellington Camp 2015
Wellington Camp 2015
By Charlotte
Police Physical Competency Test (PCT Challenge)
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Calibrating Clocks
Today in maths, the Year 5-7s made minute timers with water and milk bottles, this was a tricky experiment to complete! Jade and Ben got the closest with a timer that ran at 58sec. Do you think you could do it?!
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Animal Mascots of World War 1
Click here to go find out more about these amazing animals.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Field of Remembrance
Today we create our own field of remembrance to commemorate some of the soldiers from our area who fought in World War 1. The first step was for everyone to construct their own cross for a soldier or nurse. We are very proud of our crosses and how we worked together to create them.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
How do we remember the Anzacs?
Station 1
The Anzac Poppy
Station 2
Otago's War Memorials
Online Cenotaph
Lighting up the Wellington War Memorial
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Marbled Eggs
Today we are having a mini Easter discovery and creating marbled eggs and Easter baskets with Mrs Joyce. We were amazed at the marbling process and had a grest time selecting our colours and marbling our own eggs. Aren't they beautiful?!
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Who is the world's greatest predator?
Great white shark video
Great white shark fact file
Wolf video
Wolf fact file
Orca video
Orca fact file
Crocodile video
Crocodile fact file
Golden Eagle video
Golden Eagle fact file
Giant Hornet video
Giant Hornet fact file
Lion video
Lion fact file
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
There were a lot of cowboys, cowgirls and a few Indians. We were grateful for the amount of money we got and thank you to the lovely Cavalcaders. We will use the money for equipment for our school.
Some of the money we got. |
made by Charlotte and Ben
Cowboy Jack |
Persuasive Letter Writing
Here are the instructions for creating a origami envelope for our persuasive letter writing. Start the video about 1:25min in.
Prime Minister's Address
Here is the website for finding our Prime Minister's mailing address. Look for the heading "Contact Details" and copy down the address.
School Address
Here is the website for the White Pages. Search for "Lee Stream School" and copy down our address.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
ON Monday the 2nd of March we went sailing. We saw a big red ship
with a little blue tug boat with tyres on it. We sailed to Vauxhall. Over there at Vauxhall we played sponge tag. We got towed back but Ben sailed back he tipped it and Roger went to get Ben. After lunch we got in the boat. Then the horrible wind struck! Ben tipped the boat. At the end we got to jump off the wharf .Before we got changed we got certificates.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
New cricket gear
On the first day of school we got a cricket set with two bats, six balls, two set of wickets and a cricket bag. Sometimes at lunchtime we play cricket.
The Treaty
Cooking with zucchinis

Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Waitangi Day - how do we celebrate?
How do some new immigrants celebrate Waitangi Day? Read the interview with the mayor of Christchurch, Lianne Dalziel, to see what she and some new immigrants will be doing this year.
Why is this a great thing to do on our national day?
Some people choose to use Waitangi Day for experiences like this.
Or go places like this.
Why do people like to do these things on Waitangi Day?
Councils and communities often organise celebrations.
What is happening in Dunedin on Waitangi Day?
What happens at Waitangi on Waitangi Day? Compare 1974 with 2014.
Special displays are held like this one.
Who attends the celebrations at Waitangi? What kind of events do they have?